Thursday, October 18, 2007

Nice to Meet You

As the Administrators of Domestic Bliss, hosting our very first swap, Fairlight and I ( Chelle) thought it would be fun to make both the blog and the swap more personal by introducing ourselves. So ladies ( especially contributors ), if you are so inclined, please write a bio. of sorts, including pictures, and then post it here. Feel free to either follow the format suggested below by answering the questions provided there or ignore it completely and make up your own. Domestic Bliss is a community blog and if you are at all interested becoming a contributor please email us at We would be glad to send you a invitation. Our goal in life is similar to the goal and purpose of keeping this blog, that is to encourage and nurture an atmosphere of Domestic Bliss in our familys and homes.
With that said, here are some suggested questions for you.
Please feel free to use (or not use) any or all of these in your bio. Thank you!

  • First tell us about yourself.
  • What is your Definition of Home?
  • Favorite Color(s)?
  • Is there a Quote you love that has a Domestic twist to it?
  • Favorite Decorating Elements?
  • Favorite Creative Outlets?
  • A Tried and True Recipe to share?
  • Favorite Domestic/Household Tip Tip?
  • Where do you find Inspiration?
  • Favorite Corners of Your Home:

Any further questions, please email us at:


Leslie said...

oy vey...
Working on it.
But I expect to be introduced to you two loevly gals as well...


Chelle said...

And Fairlight and I are working on ours too. So far we already have 10 or so swappers. Isn't that exciting?

No, we aren't talking to ourselves. 153 hits so far today.