Thursday, March 26, 2009

Can I interest you in...

a little eye candy?

anyone else have folders on their computer chock full of random pictures of pretty rooms for future reference/inspiration?

There is this amazing little spot that the fabulous Kelly Mccaleb is raving about this morning on her blog. And I have to say after scrolling through hers, I was compeletly smitten and went right away and set up my very own Tumblr excited about this pretty way to store sweet picture finds and quotes. Since you all know what a quote junkie I am. Take a look yourself and if you decide to start your own, please do share with the rest of us...


mary grace said...

lol I have some of the exact same pictures in my "someday" folder -- and you can be sure I'll be adding a few more now that I've seen yours! :)

Leslie said...

I have some of the same too.. that white kitchen with a splash of green is my dream except with a splash of yellow.. sighhh.. :)